
If one Facebook post, one statement, one conversation, one life, one marriage, one book can change the trajectory of your whole life… what happens when we’re not able to follow the calling that is put before us?

Kaleo Miyamoto
1 min readNov 1, 2023

If a path to on earth as it is in heaven, away from this dystopia, dropped to you in a book called the Epic of O’Shea, would you read it? What would happen if the author who was destined to write it never wrote it. What would happen to that path?

It would cease to exist. Evolution is the wrong word completely. We are not collectively evolving into a better reality through some chaotic random chance bubble. We get to that reality by every single step and decision that every single person makes compoundedly together as we make a conscious choice to make decisions that draw us closer to on earth as it is in heaven or the reality we all desire.

The person we choose to be with and build with is the most important decision. It’s a yoking and a binding that will affect the state of our reality. Go after that which will allow the dreams of beauty and care to grow in the world.



Kaleo Miyamoto

A Thinking Creative figuring out how to make myself useful in this ever changing world. // Design // Storytelling // Philosophy // Ethics //