Let’s Talk About Our Future

Kaleo Miyamoto
2 min readOct 25, 2023
Let’s Talk About The Future

Let’s talk about the future…
How you’re going to move here…
How are we going to build the life
We’ve wanted since we were young…

Let’s talk about the future…
I refuse to give up on you…
It’s not some sort of desperation…
You are the one for me it’s true

Let’s talk about the future…
Figure out the configuration
Because we’re going to start a movement
Our love will be a beacon

Let’s talk about the future…
My lyrical mind at full blast
Telling you I’m here for you
No matter what happened in the past

Let’s talk about the future…
Let’s start making moves
Because I want you to be here
I want to be next to you

Let’s talk about our future…
The one where we get married
Maybe I should propose first
This timeline is out of order

Let’s talk about our future…
Oh well it don’t matter
We’re going to the same destination
on earth as it is in heaven

Let’s talk about our future
I want to make moves
To being with you
Move mountains and oceans too…

Let’s talk about our future
Because we need practicality
About how we’ll make our dreams come true
One step at a time, you and me

Let’s talk about our future
How words can save our minds
How words can save our world
How words can save a life

Let’s talk about our future
I will pour into you
Everything you’ve ever wanted
How I’ve waited for you

Let’s talk about our future
I could go on and on
I want to walk it out
I want us to move on

Let’s talk about our future
Not move on from each other
But move on from vicious cycles
How I’ve wanted you forever

Let’s talk about our future
How I will keep us safe
By empowering other guys
To follow the O’Shean way

Let’s talk about our future
Where time and space collapse
Where all we have is LOVE
That is the “outside time and space” end

Let’s talk about our future
The one where we can be
In a world that honors
The love between you and me

Let’s talk about our future
Because age won’t matter
See it as I was incarnated before you
To survey the damage

Let’s talk about our future
Because we’re on a mission
On Earth as it is in Heaven
On Earth as it is in Heaven



Kaleo Miyamoto

A Thinking Creative figuring out how to make myself useful in this ever changing world. // Design // Storytelling // Philosophy // Ethics //