I’ll sing to you in silence.

Kaleo Miyamoto
1 min readSep 6, 2023

I’ll sing to you in secret.

No need to reply.

We’re in radio silence now.

In this war between their eyes.

Hardened by the pond…

Find this message in the future…

When the war has subsided…

Between the time capsulets

and material monteskewers…

I’m searching for the ending

Where Rome and Jewel were able to be.

Rather than taking home…

the pill of tragedy.

Because what could have been…

If the science and the art…

Could find peace in a place that honored

Their lives and both their hearts.

No one may be listening…

But I’ll send it across the way…

Love letters for the future…

Love letters from the DAY…

When night is no longer night…

When love will be full and near…

Let’s continue to relay…

It’s okay that we cannot be clear…

Radio silence. Back before we were.

Followed by the world.

Let’s be thankful for the rest.

Let’s be thankful for the test.

I’ll sing to you in silence.

Radio silence. Back to war.

~Kaleo of SF of “KoEaiiiH”



Kaleo Miyamoto

A Thinking Creative figuring out how to make myself useful in this ever changing world. // Design // Storytelling // Philosophy // Ethics //