Finishing Thoughts

Kaleo Miyamoto
1 min readJan 7, 2024

how I long to finish this thought.

To make it complete.

How do you know what to see?

There is something to be said about completing an idea. I have a number of drafts that seem to go unnoticed in the days of me racking up procrastination from completing the idea. I get started and I often just let it go. I don’t know how to land yet. Will my thoughts be worth while to others? Perhaps not… but completing an idea is worth it. For myself.

A mixture of poetry and free form stream of consciousness is what I write from so often scouring the page to see where it goes I’m unaware of where I will end up by the end. Is this how writing goes? I want to be a writer who is bold and smart. But I find myself playing in expressionism way too much when I want to dabble in surrealist writing.

Take it out.

finish it now.

This poem is what it was about.

~Kaleo Miyamoto



Kaleo Miyamoto

A Thinking Creative figuring out how to make myself useful in this ever changing world. // Design // Storytelling // Philosophy // Ethics //